Friday, 26 July 2024 13:23


Charity Martial Arts & Fitness Challenge


Monday, 17 June 2024 14:29

TACTICAL BJJ with Heikki Martikainen

WORKSHOP Sat 22 June 11:30AM

CLASSES Mon & Thurs 6:30PM

NEW at CAIA - open to all levels

Friday, 17 May 2024 12:30

No doubt you’ve heard about the horrible events that have happened recently in the eastern states of Australia - several fatal knife attacks happening within days - events that have shocked the entire country. Probably one of the most significant issues is the disbelief that this could actually happen in Australia, and so close together at that. For those of us who come from parts of the world where violence is more prevalent, it almost seems farcical that two stabbings several thousand kilometres away could resonate so clearly here in Perth in both the media and in typical conversations, but it does. People all around the country have been affected by this, and the trauma is real. What brings it home for us here in Perth is that it 

Over the next several weeks at CAIA, we will be focusing on responses to real world knife violence in an effort to help make people aware of the severity and options around this, and possibly start on the path of healing. 

We are here for you, and for those of us who have experienced real violence, we are ready to help in any way we can. Let’s remember that everyone has the opportunity to make a difference in this, and all it takes is a single step.



Wednesday, 20 March 2024 17:01

SATURDAY March 23 at 3PM - CAIA Japanese Jujutsu Demo at the Perth Japan Festival

Where: Perth Supreme Court Gardens

Go Time: 3PM

Cost: Free

Please come down to the Perth Japan Festival to cheer on our Japanese Jujutsu Demo Team. We'll be doing a 20 minute presentation of Japanese Weaponry and empty handed fighting methods at 3PM sharp on the Martial Arts Stage.

The Perth Japan Festival has evolved and grown rapidly over the past few years and we are very excited to be a part of it. There will be heaps of cool Japanese stuff to do, eat, drink, see and experience there. Hope you can make it!


Sunday, 17 March 2024 12:44

Preorder & $AVE $10

CAIA Spaghetti Strap Tops - LIMITED TIME ONLY!

Preorders $25 by April 1 - $AVE $10

$35 after April 1st

Secure Payments with PayPal

Clicking the button below will take you to PayPal, then back here.





Sunday, 03 January 2021 16:32

Cobra Kai, the now-infamous Karate school from the Karate Kid movie franchise and the recent Netflix reboot (which is excellent, by the way) were seen as the bad guys.
Johnny, the villain in the first Karate Kid movie, was egged on by his sensei to fight dirty and do whatever it takes to win. Daniel, the hero of the movie who taught by Mr Miyagi
agy, was taught that honour and discipline is what matters.

Funnily enough, in all of the recent takes on the movies we now realise that – much like in life – there’s a little bit of black and a little bit of white, with a ton of grey in the middle.
Daniel is now often portrayed as the bully, the instigator of the now famous rivalry.

Despite the fact that Johnny was often the one to throw the first punch, he understood the lessons of Cobra Kai and how they apply to real self-defence.

Cobra Kai’s infamous motto is ‘strike first, strike hard, no mercy’. While it sounds violent, it actually has a lot of wisdom in it.

So, what is it that Cobra Kai understood so well about self-defence, and why is it that a large portion of today’s martial arts and self defence community don’t get it?

Sunday, 12 April 2015 17:29

In my last article I talked about how different people learn, and also about how both instructors and students should be aware of this to further improve their performance.

Sunday, 29 March 2015 00:00

Often, the style we prefer to learn is determined by the preferred learning style we have. Nice tongue twister. But what does it mean?

Sunday, 15 March 2015 00:00

The infamous phrase ‘reality-based training’ once again returns to feature in an article…

Saturday, 14 March 2015 00:00

Martial Arts can be an incredible force in the life of a young person. It can provide focus, structure, culture, problem solving capabilities and solid strategies to deal with bullying and other various challenges that life will throw at them. But it's not for everyone, and for some kids it's important to consider the type of training they may need before throwing them into a martial arts programme.

Will Martial Arts help my child's behaviour problem?

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Copyright © Combat Arts Institute of Australia
341 Oxford Street, Leederville Perth WA 6007 [map]
Ring us on 08 9389 9489

Kedela wer kalyakoorl ngalak Wadjak boodjak yaak.
Today and always, we stand on the traditional land of the Whadjuk Noongar people.

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