Tuesday, 23 June 2015 11:04

Perth | National Self Defence Instructor Course

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Nationally Recognised Self Defence Instructor Course

This event has been moved to November.

Please check back later for tickets and information.

Sure, you'€™ve been training for years and you know your techniques inside out, but do you have any teaching qualifications as well? Could the results of your students be optimised through just three days of targeted education?

Be among the very first government recognised self defence instructors in Australia. A great opportunity to gain, or refresh, skills and knowledge concerning government rules and regulations relating to self defence, best practices as suggested by law, and more. This is a sure way to give your students optimised results that meet government endorsed standards.

November 2015 in Perth: please check back later for exact dates and times.

Cost: $660

There will be a requirement for some pre-work and evidence collection to be done beforehand so all booking confirmations and payments must be made by July 1st.

Please contact CAIA at 08 9389 9489 for information.

Training and certification by Asset Training Australia RTO #31718

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