
Perth Martial Arts News

Nationally Recognised Self Defence Instructor Course

This event has been moved to November.

Please check back later for tickets and information.

Sunday, 21 June 2015 22:53

AFBJJ 2015 WA Championships

BJJ Competition Warriors!

21 June 2015 - Marcus Lopes leads Team CAIA at the AFBJJ WA Gi championships

Congratulations to CAIA Members Alex Kannis, Sky McRae and Philip Vosloo, who competed as Team CAIA yesterday in the AFBJJ Gi State Championships.

Sunday, 17 May 2015 13:36

The Real Dojo Bully

Each martial art and each instructor have their own way of testing, grading and preparing their students for whatever it is they train for, be it fitness, competition, self defence, etc.

Students and/or parents of students often do not know what to expect when starting at a new school and so may not always ask questions when they see things that do not seem right. In my previous article, Martial Arts Fairytales, I highlighted this fact – people are often drawn to the mysticism of martial arts and accept things for granted, even things that defy all logic, like masters who can knock people out with a word, or accepting given techniques as ‘realistic’ simply because someone told them to.

CAIA is proud to present Master Instructor Mannie de Matos

Loosely titled "Leather Skin" - make sure to bring your gloves, mouthguard and a "receiving attitude"!

Grand Master Avi Abeceedon will be at CAIA for a two day workshop June 8 and 9.

Friday, 08 May 2015 13:49

2-Week KickStarter Program

2 Weeks of unlimited Martial Arts & Fitness classes for $47.

Results start here.

Starting Monday May 4th, we have added 12 new classes each week. Fitness classes, BJJ classes, Kickboxing for Fitness - morning and lunchtime, circuit training and Yoga classes.

We have also started a new $20 unlimited one week intro!

Sunday, 26 April 2015 18:54

Martial Arts Fairytales

Martial arts have always carried a certain amount of mystique, which are often associated with ancient practices and traditions. As practitioners, we are asked to respect and follow these, often without question. But is it really something we should do?

Saturday, 11 April 2015 07:55

Combat and The Law

Combat and The Law

Friday 17 April, 8PM

Law Graduate and CAIA Member Adrian Rogers leads a discussion and Q&A session about the differences between self defence and assault. A must for any serious martial arts practitioner or instructor.

$10 donation, pizza will be provided and drinks will be available.

See you there.



Tuesday, 31 March 2015 00:00

Free Form Fighting Perth 2015

On March 28, 2015 at the Loftus Sports Centre in Leederville Perth, the latest Free Form Fighting tournament was held - by our friends at Ging Mo Academy.