Monday, 13 February 2023 12:57

Richard Dimitri & Pam Armitage Seminars March 11 & 12 at CAIA

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Join self defence pioneer Richard Dimitri and trauma-informed self defence expert Pamela Armitage at CAIA for two workshops that will provide you with proven tools to keep yourself better protected!

Saturday, March 11th, 11am-5:30pm: The 5 Principles of Physical Retaliation, AKA "The Shredder". Taught in over twenty countries to date and often referred to by law enforcement officers, correctional officers, medical staff, martial arts and self defense experts worldwide as ‘a game changer’, ‘the missing link in self defence’, ‘the gap filler Bruce Lee was always searching for’, ‘an equaliser for the vulnerable in society’; this session is fit for everyone regardless of skill level, expert or beginner, regardless of experience or rank or size or strength or lack thereof, regardless of whether a fighter or lover or both or none for that matter, you will walk away with a wealth of skill and information.

Sunday March 12th, 9am-12pm: It is the most researched, detailed and comprehensive course of its kind providing a crystal-clear understanding of what constitutes as rape, a rapist, the various types of rapists, rapes and sexual assaults, motives, mental illness and antisocial personality disorders, how culture plays a role, along with rape culture and how it contributes to this unfortunately common type of violence. Topics include domestic abuse and violence in relation, stranger attacks, multiple attackers, ambushes, grooming, behavioural red flags and green flags, what constitutes triggers, the varying responses to threats and imminent danger, the effects of trauma, the effects of adrenaline and substance use and abuse, the 5 principles of Physical Retaliation, legal, moral, ethical implications and more.


Shredder Workshop: $200
Sexual Assault Prevention Workshop: $75
Both workshops: $237.50

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