Monday, 11 May 2015 11:43

GM Avi Abeceedon Krav Maga Workshop June 8 & 9

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Grand Master Avi Abeceedon will be at CAIA for a two day workshop June 8 and 9.

KMbanner1Avi is a direct student of the founder of Krav Maga, Imi Lichtenfeld. He teaches the 'pure Krav Maga as Imi would have intended.'

Please join us for two consecutive nights of three hours each. The workshops will focus on Gun and Knife Defence as well as VIP Protection, Escort & Vehicle Extraction techniques.

When: June 8th & 9th, 6 - 9PM

Price: General Public $90 per workshop, CAIA Members $70 per workshop

More info: find out about Avi at the Wingate Institute website or email David Reznik on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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