Monday, 11 May 2015 13:50

May 28 Boxing Workshop with Master Instructor Mannie de Matos

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CAIA is proud to present Master Instructor Mannie de Matos

Loosely titled "Leather Skin" - make sure to bring your gloves, mouthguard and a "receiving attitude"!

Master Instructor Mannie de Matos is one of Australia's most influential and prolific martial artists today. He is responsible for training military and law enforcement personnel in several countries, and is a founding provider of security and bodyguard personnel & training here and abroad, and is a member of the Philippines Martial Arts Hall of Fame.

Mannie returns May 28th to lead another dynamic Boxing workshop. Mannie has trained 7 Golden Gloves winners and national champions. If you were at Mannie's last boxing seminar you will surely agree that this is not to be missed.

When: Thursday May 28th, 6 - 9PM

Price: General Public: $90 | CAIA Members: $75

Bring: Boxing gloves, mouthguard - and a receiving attitude!

Space is limited - book now

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Today and always, we stand on the traditional land of the Whadjuk Noongar people.

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