Tuesday, 17 June 2014 00:00

Hock Hochheim Returns to Perth July 18, 19, 20

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hochheim Perth 2014

Hock Hochheim has taught force necessary combat strategies to citizens, the police and military all over the world in places like South Africa, Australia, Germany, Europe, The United Kingdom, Southwest Asia for the military and of course, throughout the United States.  Hock has actually done more in real life than most people reputed to be "famous and experienced.” Currently Hock teaches hand, stick, knife and gun combatives in some 40 seminars in 12 allied countries a year. More on Hock - click here to visit his website.

Hock's 3-day seminar will cover:

  • Counter Crime Techniques
  • Stop 6 Drills
  • Counter Knife
  • Worst Case Scenarios
  • Filipino Mano Mano and more

Certification will be presented to all who attend.

Dates: Fri 18 July 6-9PM; Sat 19 July 10AM-2PM; Sun 20 July 10AM-2PM 

Cost: $90 per day; $250 for all 3 days

CAIA members get 10% discount

Space is limited - book early to avoid disappointment.

Secure Booking with PayPal
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